News Reporting? Pffft

This is what my monitor showed at 9:00 AM this morning.

For CNN:


For Fox:


If you click on the images, you can see the topics each news media “deems” important.

How can they be so different?

How can CNN essentially ignore the tremendous budget issues confronting the United States while concentrating on the election of the head of the Catholic religion?  (Just being factual here – Catholicism is but one religion in this world.  Just citing fact.)  Well, Michelle Obama got a line in “for being in the vogue”.

Just weeks ago, CNN was headlining day after day Obama’s attack on the “GOP” as he greatly exaggerated the negative effects of the sequester.  They even followed Obama when he went campaigning to bash the GOP…instead of trying to run this country.

I thought news was to be objective…or at least consistently applied?


I will WRITE it.

Our country’s WOES are the result of two dictatorships…  A dictatorship being defined as they do as they please as no one can challenge them.  A form of Hitler-ism…

One dictatorship is the damn LAWYERS.  We are better off without them.  We don’t need lawyers representing jerks who go into small businesses just looking for minor violations.  Attorneys WON’T restrict themselves as they feel they are “protecting us”.  Pffft.

The other dictatorship is the MEDIA.  Reporters are using it to spout off their personal feelings or agendas…or of their management…who gets revenue rewards of various “types”.

Media.  Double Pffft.

Rant over.

7 thoughts on “News Reporting? Pffft”

  1. The media has always worked on their own agenda – ratings, readership, etc. what they print and report – who they hurt or help is irrelevant.

  2. I remember watching the news as a child. The anchors and reporters were reporting INFORMATION. Opinions and entertainment were NOT part of the news broadcast. I miss that. Just the facts ma’am.

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