Mail-in ballots, stimulus checks and a four year coup

Today is November 29, 2020.

I have been on social security for more than four years now. Hell, I’m on Medicare.

I am on direct deposit. The government even deducts my $135 or so for my Medicare premium each month.

And believe me, my income is miniscule.

Yet, I have not received my stimulus check yet. I have even inserted a screenshot below.

However, millions of mail-in ballots were haphazardly mailed to who knows who and at what address… and for this exercise, let us assume these ballots were not counterfeit, e.g., not Xeroxed nor printed in China.

It is lovely that the American right to cast a vote wasn’t as strictly controlled as IS my stimulus check.

And no, I am not calling the IRS. Are you crazy? 🙂

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election | The White House

The official Executive Order put into place in 2018.

Liberal media will not publicize this or simply suppress it.

Very important and valid document.

Emotionally compromised liberal media

Read Kayleigh McEnany’s post…

That shows how sickening the liberal news outlets are.

With President Trump’s two female press secretaries (both wives and mothers), liberal media never recognized Sarah Huckabee-Sanders or Kayleigh in that light.

Instead, all biased “reporters” did (like CNN’s Acosta) was attack them emotionally.

A Personal Statement from General Flynn to America: Faith, Family, and Friendships – UncoverDC

God bless this man and family.

While President Obama welcomed an Army deserter to the WH and praised him, Obama and his goons intentionally went after this patriot and family man with lies just to hurt President Trump and initiate a four year coup.

Trump Team: Pennsylvania Senate Shouldn’t Certify ‘Compromised’ Election

As I wrote earlier, I supervised or conducted hundreds of fraud investigations over two decades. One trend is clear: a fraudster starts small then takes more and more after realizing he/she isn’t noticed. That’s when they get caught.

One other characteristic of fraudsters is they believe they deserved the end result (self-enrichment) before, during or after getting caught. They feel it was owed them from getting wronged by the entity they targeted.

That is the case with these Democrats here. The evidence is overwhelming that numerous ballots from illegal voters were submitted, collected and COUNTED by the deceitful ballot counting system, either physically or manipulated electronically. The illegal paper-based votes were from counterfeit pre-printed ballots or manually filled out by certain people who were PAID to do so, etc. The CCP, Soros and the Pelosi Crime Family have nothing to lose and everything to gain – power and continued riches.

Lastly, it is EASY to commit fraud. Even felons incarcerated in PRISON stole a billion dollars from the California state and local governments before getting caught. That bust was this week. One felon was the infamous Scott Peterson.

Don’t tell me these politicians are honest and full of integrity. And remember the analysis of the Scytl servers seized by US agents has yet to be released by the DOJ and military.

Trump Team: Pennsylvania Senate Shouldn’t Certify ‘Compromised’ Election Download our app to read more for free at

Chinese Warn Against Communism at Trump Rally, Tell Americans to Speak Out

This news report has a strong tie to my previous post.

Chinese Warn Against Communism at Trump Rally, Tell Americans to Speak Out Download our app to read more for free at